The Stormwater Monitoring Program (Program) includes both stormwater management and scientific elements. The Program’s central activities are the collection and analysis of stormwater, urban runoff, and receiving water samples across Ventura County and the analysis and interpretation of the resulting data. The primary objectives of the Program are:
1. Assess the chemical, physical, and biological impacts of municipal stormwater discharges on receiving waters.
2. Assess the overall health and evaluate long-term trends in receiving water quality.
3. Assess compliance with TMDL targets and water quality objectives.
4. Characterize the quality of stormwater discharges and identify sources of pollutants.
5. Improve the effectiveness of the Permittee stormwater programs.
Monitoring is conducted by staff from the Ventura County Watershed Protection District.
There are two categories of monitoring conducted by the Program: Core Monitoring and Special Studies. Monitoring reports from previous sampling efforts, including stormwater and non-stormwater flows, bioassessment, and special studies, are available under Publications > Reports. To request our core monitoring water quality sampling results, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..